Soczewki do laserów, szkła ochronne img

RMI lenses are high performance optical components for CO2 lasers with commercial applications. They are characterized by higher optical efficiency than the products of competing companies.

Moreover, their durability, as shown by customers' experience, is about 20 to 30% longer, which directly translates into the specific values of their use.

Recycling and disposal of lenses for lasers

By offering recycling and disposal of used Zn-Se lenses, we provide our customers with complete support even after the period of use of lenses. Used lenses for laser can be returned to us, including those from other manufacturers. Upon request, we can issue a certificate of proper recycling of this material.

Lenses for the most popular CO2 laser models.

We offer a wide range of lenses for models of CO2 lasers from renowned manufacturers:

Soczewki do laserów tnących CO2 AmadaAmada
Soczewki do laserów tnących CO2 BystronicBystronic
Soczewki do laserów tnących CO2 CincinnatiCincinnati
Soczewki do laserów tnących CO2 HansHans
Soczewki do laserów tnących CO2 HKHK
Soczewki do laserów tnących CO2 Komatsu NTCKomatsu NTC
Soczewki do laserów tnących CO2 LVDLVD
Soczewki do laserów tnących CO2 MazakMazak
Soczewki do laserów tnących CO2 MitsubishiMitsubishi
Soczewki do laserów tnących CO2 PrimaPrima
Soczewki do laserów tnących CO2 TrumpfTrumpf

RMI - a recognised manufacturer of industrial optics

RMI is a recognized American manufacturer of optical components for commercial applications. The company guarantees full control of the lens production: from the preparation of the material, through its precise manufacture, shaping, sanding, polishing, coating and quality control, to packaging and shipping.

The laser optics offered by RMI have gained a very good reputation in key areas of its application. Optical products, offered to customers all over the world, have been highly appreciated in the military, medical and industrial sectors.

Are you interested in an offer?
Since 2017, Węgier Glass company has been the only distributor of its products in Poland.
Soczewki do laserów Zapytanie o dobrą cenęGood price enquiry
Soczewki do laserów Oferta + akceptacjaOffer + acceptance
Soczewki do laserów Zamówienie + wysyłkaOrder
+ shipment
Soczewki do laserów Radosne urzytkowanieEnjoyable
Soczewki do laserów Recykling zużytych soczewekRecycling of used lenses

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Importer of RMI to Poland

Węgier Glass is a company with more than 20 years of experience in the field of processing technical glass, tempered glass, fireplace glass, filters and glasses for working in difficult conditions.
In order to provide our customers with comprehensive services, we have decided to expand our offer by introducing lenses for lasers from a renowned American manufacturer. RMI is a company with 60 years of experience in the field of polishing and coating optical materials. Since 2017 we have been the only distributor of optical elements for lasers of this manufacturer in Poland.

We offer a wide range of lenses for models of CO2 lasers from renowned manufacturers, i.e. from the Czech Republic and Hungary.